Hello World! - This is the Vignette Transcripts
Hello World! - This is the Vignette Transcripts!
When we started Vignette - we've been very vocal about things, and we usually write it on a forum or a site we control. This is usually GitHub Discussions or Open Collective. Back then we never had any infrastructure backing, and we had to make do with what we had.
But things have changed since those systems were put into place. Ever since then, we got the attention of the likes of Fosshost and Vercel. We are a different organization compared before, and we decided to use what we have to its full extent. And one of the things we did was launch our website, and our wiki. We then though ourselves: "We have so much infrastructure now that we can even put our ideas and thoughts in one place", and so we did.
Vignette Transcripts - a new home for thoughts by us, for you
Transcripts is a new way for us to express our thoughts and ideas, no longer locked to the limitations of our previous platforms. This will be used to share ideas, announcements, and now, our opinions on matters that can affect the project entirely. This is a milestone of how far this project has come since our initial prototype at 2020.
This blog will not be exclusive to just Vignette however. We decided that our partners, contributors will get a special invite here to write a special piece about Vignette from time to time. This is a new way of expression for us, a new place of thoughts and ideas.
What's next?
Our GitHub Discussions and Open Collective will remain open, but will no longer be maintained or used for announcement posts. We will keep these channels as they are also used for community outreach and we are still committed to maintaining these channels open for you to communicate your feedback to us.
Moving forward, Vignette Transcripts is a new adventure, a new start. This is where we will begin our journey from Debut and beyond.
See you next time, and once again - Hello world!